female tourist who went to Japan and wanted a tattoo saying "Princess".
I have a tattoo around wrist saying "One Life One Chance"
her left ear and on her wrist is a new tattoo saying "Timothy 4:12".
tattoo butwhat's the saying? "Too many accessories clutter an outfit?
Every few months the idea of getting a tattoo pops in my head and I begin a
The US Marines are banning the wearing of large tattoos, saying they do not
She tweeted about the tattoo, saying, "Look what I did last night. little
She apologised for her tattoo saying that she wore this tattoo because she
TJ is contemplating getting a new tattoo. He has a tribal ring (I think
tattoo saying
social security tattoo, social security # tattoo, social security number
Pop Crunch quoted the 15-year-old's friend as saying. The tattoo
In december she was spotted with a tattoo saying "Just Breath" tattooed in
saying these are the matching tattoos
longer before I discovered the truth in the saying that “tattoos are
I want to get a tattoo saying 'loving life' or 'love life' in like a greek
I'm deffz getting my second Vanilla Ice tattoo, that goes without saying.
a barbed wire tattoo
Tattoos are known around the world as, tatoeage, tatouage, tätowier,
Twilight Tattoo Gallery. DUDE. Other than wondering if some of these girls
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